Senin, 30 Desember 2013

How to set browser homepage on Android - PC Advisor

2,510 Tutorials

Make your favourite web site your homepage on Android

smartphone browser homepage android

Smartphone and tablets are great for browsing the web so here's how to set your browser homepage on Android.

There are a number of browsers which you can download for Android including Dolphin, Opera and Firefox. However, there are two effectively 'default' browsers which we're going to stick to for this guide – the Android browser and Chrome.

See also: Stop Android apps automatically updating.

How to set browser homepage on Android

Android browser

The standard Android browser is likely to come pre-loaded on your smartphone or tablet. It's typically called 'Internet' or 'Browser. Here's how to set your homepage in the Android browser.

Step One

Locate and open the Android browser. It might be on your homescreen but you can definitely find it in the app menu.

Find out How to get BBM on Android.

Android Internet browser

Step Two

Hit the menu button which is either, depending on your version of Android and skin, three lines next to your home button or three dots.

Android menu button

Step Three

Now click Settings.

Android browser menu

Step Four

Open the 'General' section of the settings menu.

Android browser settings

Step Five

Now click 'Set homepage' at the top of the screen.

Android browser set homepage

Step Six

Here there are multiple options for setting your homepage. The easiest is to click current page but you can also type the page by selecting 'Custom page'.

Android browser homepage options


Google Android devices are also likely to come with Chrome, possibly as well as the Android browser. Unfortunately, the Android version of Chrome doesn't allow you to set the homepage. Instead it will show you a selection of suggested pages based on your browsing habits.

Android Chrome browser

30 Dec, 2013

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