When Google bought Bump in September, Bump CEO and co-founder Dave Lieb told users of its Bump and Flock apps to "stay tuned for future updates." That update came New Year's Eve, and it wasn't welcome news for fans of the mobile file-sharing apps: Bump and Flock are going away.
Specifically, the two apps will disappear from both the iOS App Store and Google Play on January 31, according to an announcement on the Bump blog that posted on Thursday. The January 31 shutdown date aims to give users enough time to retain any data stored in either Bump or Flock. At the end of the month, neither app will work any more, with all user data deleted, according to Bump's Lieb. Both apps contain instructions on exporting your data.
Bump and Flock are being discontinued as the Bump team turns its attention elsewhere. "We are now deeply focused on our new projects within Google," Lieb wrote.
The photo-sharing Flock app let users combine photos shot on multiple phones into a single album. As for Bump, it let users share contact info, photos, and files by bumping their phones together. It also enjoys a place in App Store lore—it was the one billionth download from Apple's mobile app outlet.
"In many ways, Bump was a revolutionary product that inspired many subsequent advances and helped push the world forward," Lieb wrote. "We hope our new creations at Google will do the same."
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02 Jan, 2014
Source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNF2KkvRDs9RqtS1JxUYSQYyOpOQNg&url=http://www.macworld.com/article/2083500/bumped-off-bump-and-flock-to-shut-down-this-month.html
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