Motorola is kicking off the new year with a bang. And while we're talking about the new year, we wish all of our readers a Happy New Year, and here's to a great 2014.
Motorola has already ran a few sales for $350 for the off-contract Moto X. And they've done very well, in fact Motorola has had trouble keeping up with it. Today, Motorola let us know that they are dropping the price permanently for the off-contract Moto X to $399 for the 16GB and the 32GB for $449. That's off contract, which means unlocked if it's the T-Mobile version. But this is a great deal for those on Verizon that are looking to keep their unlimited data. Although, if you still want the wood back, you'll be paying an extra $100. Which will put it at $499 for the 16GB and the $549 for the 32GB.
So far $399 still isn't that cheap, and not as low as the Cyber Monday sale. But it's still better than $549 for the unlocked or off-contract versions. But it is great to see Motorola pushing the Moto X at $399 along with the Moto G at $179/199. I really like the Moto X, in fact it's my daily driver. Pair that with the customization that you get from MotoMaker, the price is amazing. Especially with features like Active Display and Touchless Control.
How many of you are looking to pick up a new Moto X to go ahead and bring in the New Year as a new Motorola fan? Motorola is really picking up in 2013, and I'm really excited to see what they have planned in 2014. Who else is excited for the next version of the Moto X, and what Motorola has planned in 2014? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below.
Category: Android News
About Alexander Maxham (Author Profile)
Alex has been an Android user since the Motorola Droid back in 2010. He's been a huge Android fan ever since. He's currently sporting a Nexus 4 and Nexus 7 along with whatever device he has in for review at the time.02 Jan, 2014
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